015f z2=37073:z3=37138:z4=36308:z5=36298:z6=33298:z7=32208:z8=29472 if (peek(32208)<>77) then n$="vehiclefile" : fi=32208 : gosub 25bb print"{clr}":poke 646,1:z9=30072:z0=32088:a7=29441:goto 0476 017f sys 49272:poke 912,h0:sys 49269:return 0196 h0=((((20-(b<10000))-(b<1000))-(b<100))-(b<10)):gosub 017f:return 01b8 b=((b*(-(b<60001)))+(6*(-(b>6)))):poke a,int((b/256)):poke (a+1),(b-(256*int((b/256)))):return 01f9 n=0:for i=0 to 4:n=(n+fn p(((z2+37)+(2*i)))):next:return 0217 fu=0:for i=1 to peek((z2+20)) fu=(fu+peek(((z3+44)+(50*(i-1))))):next:return 023d poke 911,19:poke 912,0:sys 49269:print" ";:return 026a cd=0:for ij=1 to peek((z2+20)) vn=ij:gosub 02ed:ic=(peek(((z3+(50*(ij-1)))+27))+1) if (t3=ic) then 029e 029e if (peek(((z3+(50*(ij-1)))+27))>0) then cd=(cd+1) oc=peek(((z3+(50*(j-1)))+33)):if (t4=oc) then 02eb if (peek(((z3+(50*(ij-1)))+33))>0) then cd=(cd+1) 02eb next:return 02ed t3=0:for k=0 to 4:t3=(t3+peek((((z3+(50*(vn-1)))+28)+k))):next t4=0:for k=0 to 4:t4=(t4+peek((((z3+(50*(vn-1)))+34)+k))):next tc=(t3+t4):return 0339 cf=0:for j=0 to 4:if (k(j)>0) then cf=1 : j=4 : print"{clr}" if (k(j)>0) then print"{clr}all crew must be deployed to change" : print"weapon types." if (k(j)>0) then cf=1 : j=4 : gosub 254f next:return 03ac if ((f1<>2)and(f2<>2)) then return if ((peek(((z3+(50*(i-1)))+20))=1)and(f1<>2)) then return vn=i:gosub 02ed if ((f1=2)and(f2<>2)) then f1=1 : mm=int(((tc/2)+.5)) : goto 043e if ((f2=2)and(f1<>2)) then f2=1 : mm=int((tc/2)) : goto 043e if (((f1=2)and(f2=2))or(peek(((z3+(50*(i-1)))+20))=1)) then mm=tc : f1=1 : if (f2=2) then 043e !!!! skip to 0439 but got 043b f2=1 043e ik=i z=z3:o=(50*(ik-1)) ga=(ga-mm):ag=(ag+mm) poke ((z+12)+o),1:poke ((z+13)+o),1 return 0476 53 01 1e 03 6f deffn arg=286, 6f031301, * += 22, , 148, 1, 19, 184, 7, 148, 1, 19, 3, 184, 1, 129, 1, 85 deffnr(x)=int(rnd(x)*x)+1 zu=33248 zz=36323 04b2 53 00 7d 03 ab deffn arg=125, ab036400, * += 24, , 141, 1, 0, 144, 100, 184, 14, 3, 144, 100, 129, 1, 184, 14, 1, 85 deffnp(a)=256*peek(a)+peek(a+1) dimt$(4):t$(0)="armsmaster":t$(1)="bodyguard":t$(2)="commando" t$(3)="dragoon":t$(4)="escort" for i=0 to 29:poke (a7+i),0:next my=peek(36307):ef=peek(36318) dimf(4):f(1)=2:f(2)=1:f(3)=1:f(4)=0 dimss$(1):ss$(0)="add ":ss$(1)="subtract ":dimtf$(1):tf$(0)="interior " tf$(1)="topside " g$(0)="furies":g$(1)="muthuh truckers":g$(2)="motorheads" g$(3)="hot rod lincolns":g$(4)="hard hats" g$(5)="greyhounds":g$(6)="redneck yahoos":g$(7)="dune buggers" g$(8)="skulls":g$(9)="roughriders" g$(10)="invader death squad" gg=255 sys 49236:print"{clr}" dimfd(15) n=peek((z2+20)) for i=1 to n o=(50*(i-1)) poke ((z3+12)+o),1 poke ((z3+48)+o),0 if (peek(((z7+43)+(52*peek((z3+(50*(i-1)))))))=1) then poke ((z3+13)+o),0 : goto 06ef poke ((z3+13)+o),1 06ef for k=1 to 5 poke (((z3+27)+k)+o),0:poke (((z3+33)+k)+o),0 next;next gosub 2372 ij=1 0718 print"{clr}":print"do you wish to auto-deploy?";:gosub 254f:x$=i$:print if (x$="n") then 1545 if (x$<>"y") then 0718 print"{clr}" for i=1 to peek((z2+20)):fd(i)=0:next j=1:for i=0 to 4 printt$(i);" deployment" a=fn p(((z2+37)+(2*i))):b=a if (j<>1) then 0a68 07b7 j=1 if ((pn<>po)or(ai=0)) then gosub 026a : ai=int((a/cd)) : if (ai<1) then 07e1 !!!! skip to 07db but got 07dd ai=1 pn=po 07e7 t1=0:t2=0:ic=0:oc=0:if (a=0) then j=(j-1) : goto 0a80 if (fd(j)=1) then 0a68 ic=(peek(((z3+(50*(j-1)))+27))+1) tt=0:for k=0 to 4:tt=(tt+peek((((z3+(50*(j-1)))+28)+k))):next:t1=tt if (tt=ic) then 0916 ta=ai:if (ai>a) then ta=a if ((tt+ta)>ic) then ta=(ic-tt) a=(a-ta):poke (((z3+(50*(j-1)))+28)+i),(peek((((z3+(50*(j-1)))+28)+i))+ta):a(i)=(a(i)+ta) sys 49272:poke 911,(2+(2*i)):sys 49269:print" " sys 49272:poke 911,(2+(2*i)):sys 49269:printa(i);"/";b if (a=0) then 0a80 0916 if (j=peek((z2+20))) then 0952 tt=0:for k=0 to 4:tt=(tt+peek((((z3+(50*j))+28)+k))):next:if (tt=0) then 0a68 0952 oc=peek(((z3+(50*(j-1)))+33)) tt=0:for k=0 to 4:tt=(tt+peek((((z3+(50*(j-1)))+34)+k))):next:t2=tt if (tt=oc) then 0a4b ta=ai:if (ai>a) then ta=a if ((tt+ta)>oc) then ta=(oc-tt) a=(a-ta):poke (((z3+(50*(j-1)))+34)+i),(peek((((z3+(50*(j-1)))+34)+i))+ta):a(i)=(a(i)+ta) sys 49272:poke 911,(2+(2*i)):sys 49269:print" " sys 49272:poke 911,(2+(2*i)):sys 49269:printa(i);"/";b 0a4b if ((t1+t2)=(ic+oc)) then fd(j)=1 : pn=(pn-1) 0a68 j=(j+1):if (j>peek((z2+20))) then 07b7 goto 07e7 0a80 next f=fn p((z2+30)):if (f=0) then 0b92 poke 911,11:poke 912,0:sys 49269:print"allocating firearms" fl=0 0ac5 for i=0 to (peek((z2+20))-1) if (peek((((z3+12)+fl)+(50*i)))=0) then 0b83 vn=(i+1):gosub 02ed:mm=int(((tc/2)+.5)):if (fl=1) then mm=int((tc/2)) if (peek(((z3+(50*i))+20))=1) then mm=tc if (mm>f) then 0b83 f=(f-mm):ga=(ga+mm):poke 911,12:poke 912,0:sys 49269:printga poke (((z3+12)+(50*i))+fl),2 if (f=0) then i=(peek((z2+20))-1) : goto 0b83 0b83 next if (fl=0) then fl=1 : goto 0ac5 0b92 ij=1:goto 1545 0b98 pc=(fn r(40)+30) goto 2442 0ba6 nv=peek((z2+20)):nv=int((((nv*pc)/100)+.5)) if (nv>15) then nv=15 if (nv<1) then nv=1 if (gg<>255) then 0c5b dimn$(4) n$(1)="renegade natl guardsmen":n$(2)="road gangsters" n$(3)="armed rabble":n$(4)="cannibals" for i=1 to 4:for j=1 to 5:readq(i,j):next:next 0c5b gosub 01f9:n=int(((n*pc)/100)):if (n<25) then n=25 if (gg<>255) then 27e7 for i=1 to 5:b(i)=(int((((q(ef,i)*n)/100)+.5))+1):next 0ca5 if (gg<>255) then print"{clr}" : printg$(gg) : goto 0ccb print"{clr}":printn$(ef) 0ccb print"enemy vehicles":print c=0:ci=0 for i=1 to nv j=fn r(100) if (gg<>255) then 285a 0d03 if (j<4) then v=0 : goto 0dfc if (j<5) then v=1 : goto 0dfc if (j<7) then v=2 : goto 0dfc if (j<29) then v=3 : goto 0dfc if (j<31) then v=4 : goto 0dfc if (j<53) then v=5 : goto 0dfc if (j<55) then v=6 : goto 0dfc if (j<63) then v=7 : goto 0dfc if (j<79) then v=9 : goto 0dfc if (j<82) then v=10 : goto 0dfc if (j<85) then v=11 : goto 0dfc if (j<87) then v=12 : goto 0dfc if (j<90) then v=13 : goto 0dfc if (j<93) then v=14 : goto 0dfc if (j<94) then v=15 : goto 0dfc if (j<96) then v=16 : goto 0dfc if (j<98) then v=17 : goto 0dfc v=18 0dfc c$="":o=(52*v) for k=0 to 24:c$=(c$+chr$(peek(((z7+k)+o)))):next printc$ poke (zz+(50*(i-1))),v a1=(zz+(50*(i-1))):a2=(z7+(52*v)) poke a1,v poke (a1+1),peek((a2+28)):poke (a1+2),peek((a2+29)):poke (a1+3),peek((a2+29)) poke (a1+4),peek((a2+31)):poke (a1+5),peek((a2+31)):poke (a1+6),peek((a2+32)) poke (a1+7),peek((a2+33)) poke (a1+8),peek((a2+34)):poke (a1+9),peek((a2+35)):poke (a1+10),peek((a2+36)) poke (a1+11),peek((a2+37)) poke (a1+12),(2+(ef=4)):poke (a1+13),0:on peek((a2+43)) goto 0f28:poke (a1+13),(1-(ef=1)) 0f28 if (gg=255) then 0f57 poke (a1+12),2:poke (a1+13),0:if (peek((a2+43))<>1) then poke (a1+13),2 0f57 poke (a1+14),peek((a2+38)):poke (a1+15),peek((a2+39)):poke (a1+16),peek((a2+40)) poke (a1+17),peek((a2+41)):poke (a1+18),peek((a2+42)) poke (a1+19),0:poke (a1+20),peek((a2+43)):poke (a1+21),peek((a2+44)) poke (a1+22),peek((a2+44)) poke (a1+23),peek((a2+45)):poke (a1+24),peek((a2+46)):poke (a1+25),peek((a2+47)) poke (a1+26),peek((a2+48)) poke (a1+27),peek((a2+49)):poke (a1+33),peek((a2+50)):for j=1 to 5:poke ((a1+27)+j),0 poke ((a1+33)+j),0 poke ((a1+38)+j),0:next poke (a1+44),peek((a2+51)):poke (a1+45),peek((a2+30)):poke (a1+46),peek((a2+30)) for j=1 to 4:poke ((a1+46)+j),0:next ci=peek((a1+1)):ci=int(((ci**2)*5)):c=(c+ci) if (gg<>255) then 291f 10c5 next cc=0:ck=0:print:print"enemy deployment":for i=0 to 4 a=b((i+1)):b=a 10fa j=1 cc=ck 1103 if (a=0) then 1231 ic=(peek(((zz+(50*(j-1)))+27))+1) tt=0:for k=0 to 4:tt=(tt+peek((((zz+(50*(j-1)))+28)+k))):next if (tt=ic) then 1186 a=(a-1):poke (((zz+(50*(j-1)))+28)+i),(peek((((zz+(50*(j-1)))+28)+i))+1) ck=(ck+1) 1186 if (a=0) then 1231 oc=peek(((zz+(50*(j-1)))+33)) tt=0:for k=0 to 4:tt=(tt+peek((((zz+(50*(j-1)))+34)+k))):next if (tt=oc) then 1207 a=(a-1):poke (((zz+(50*(j-1)))+34)+i),(peek((((zz+(50*(j-1)))+34)+i))+1) ck=(ck+1) 1207 j=(j+1):if ((j>nv)and(cc=ck)) then i=4 : goto 1231 if (j>nv) then 10fa goto 1103 1231 next fa=fn r(ck) aa=0:if ((aa+fa)>c) then fa=(fa-((aa+fa)-c)) aa=(aa+fa):b=fa:a=(z4+10):gosub 01b8 tt=(int((c/100))+fn r(int((c/100)))) if ((aa+tt)>c) then tt=(tt-((aa+tt)-c)) aa=(aa+tt):b=tt:a=(z4+6):gosub 01b8 md=fn r(5) if ((aa+md)>c) then md=(md-((aa+md)-c)) aa=(aa+md):b=md:a=(z4+8):gosub 01b8 am=(fa*fn r(25)) b=am:a=(z4+4):gosub 01b8 rc=(c-aa):if (rc<1) then 13e0 f=int((rc/2)):f=int((f/2)):f=(f+fn r(f)) if ((aa+f)>c) then f=(f-((aa+f)-c)) aa=(aa+f):b=f:a=z4:gosub 01b8 g=int((rc/2)):g=int((g/2)):g=(g+fn r(g)) if ((aa+g)>c) then g=(g-((aa+g)-c)) aa=(aa+g):b=g:a=(z4+2):gosub 01b8 13e0 poke (z4+12),ef:poke (z4+13),nv for i=0 to 14 for j=0 to 4 poke (((zz+(50*i))+39)+j),0 poke (((z3+(50*i))+39)+j),0 next:next 1424 print"{clr}":print"do you wish to use quick combat?";:gosub 254f if ((i$<>"y")and(i$<>"n")) then 1424 if (i$="y") then 14e0 if (i$="n") then print"{clr}" : poke 646,1 : print : print : print : print : poke 199,1 : print"insert game disk side 2 in drive":poke 199,0 print"press any key to continue":gosub 254f:goto 1500 14e0 if (gg<>255) then poke 3632,(gg+5) n$="quick":goto 264e 1500 if (gg<>255) then poke 3632,(gg+5) n$="working":goto 264e 1522 ck=0:for ii=0 to 4:ck=(ck+fn p(((z2+37)+(2*ii)))):next return 1545 print"{clr}" g$="":for i=1 to 20:g$=(g$+chr$(peek(((z2+i)-1)))):next printg$; h0=24:gosub 017f:printpeek(z2+20);" vehicles" gosub 21e6 print:print"total capacity: ";:b=c:gosub 0196:printc print"passenger capacity: ";:b=pi:gosub 0196:printpi:gosub 2174 l$="healthy":if (peek((z2+50))>0) then l$="diseased" h0=28:gosub 017f:printl$ print"fuel consumption: ";:b=fu:gosub 0196:printfu print:print"food:";:b=d:gosub 0196:printd print"tires:";:b=t:gosub 0196:printt print"fuel:";:b=l:gosub 0196:printl print"ammo:";:b=a:gosub 0196:printa print"guns:";:b=g:gosub 0196:printg ag=(g-ga):ag=(ag*(-(ag>0))) gosub 1522:dk=0:for i=0 to 4:dk=(dk+a(i)):next:if (g<=dk) then ag=0 print"unissued guns:";:b=ag:gosub 0196:printb print"medical supplies:";:b=m:gosub 0196:printm print:print"total supplies:";:b=tc:gosub 0196:printtc print:print"crew (a/b/c/d/e):":for j=0 to 4:k=fn p(((z2+37)+(2*j))):k(j)=(k-a(j)) printk;:if (j<>4) then print"/"; next:print"=";ck print"unassigned crew: ":for j=0 to 4:printk(j);:if (j<>4) then print"/"; next poke 911,24:poke 912,1:sys 49269:print"press any key to continue";:gosub 254f 17ff i=ij 1803 print"{clr}":print"vehicle ";i;:h0=14:gosub 017f c$="":z=z3:o=(50*(i-1)) for k=0 to 24:c$=(c$+chr$(peek(((z7+k)+(52*peek((z+o))))))):next printc$ s1=peek(((z+3)+o)):s2=peek(((z+2)+o)) m1=peek(((z+5)+o)):m2=peek(((z+4)+o)) b1=peek(((z+6)+o)) a1=peek(((z+7)+o)) f1=peek(((z+12)+o)):f2=peek(((z+13)+o)) p1=peek(((z+14)+o)):p2=peek(((z+15)+o)):p3=peek(((z+16)+o)):p4=peek(((z+17)+o)) p5=peek(((z+18)+o)) t1=peek(((z+22)+o)):t2=peek(((z+21)+o)) ic=(peek(((z+27)+o))+1) oc=peek(((z+33)+o)) v1=peek(((z+46)+o)):v2=peek(((z+45)+o)) print:print"structure:";:h0=(27-(s1<10)):gosub 017f:prints1;"/";s2 print"maneuverability:";:h0=28:gosub 017f:printm1;"/";m2 print"braking:";:h0=28:gosub 017f:printb1 print"acceleration:";:h0=28:gosub 017f:printa1 19d3 f1$="c":f2$="c":if (f1=2) then f1$="f" if (f2=0) then f2$="-" if (f1=0) then f1$="-" if (f2=2) then f2$="f" poke 912,0:poke 911,7:sys 49269:print"weapon types:";:h0=29:gosub 017f:printf1$;" / ";f2$ print"tires:";:h0=(27-(t1<10)):gosub 017f:printt1;"/";t2 print"speed:";:h0=(27-(v1<10)):gosub 017f:printv1;"/";v2 print"protection (l/r/f/b/t):":printp1;"/";p2;"/";p3;"/";p4;"/";p5 print"interior crew capacity:";:h0=(27-(ic<10)):gosub 017f:printic 1afe o1=peek(((z+34)+o)):o2=peek(((z+35)+o)):o3=peek(((z+36)+o)):o4=peek(((z+37)+o)):o5=peek(((z+38)+o)) 1b40 i1=peek(((z+28)+o)):i2=peek(((z+29)+o)):i3=peek(((z+30)+o)):i4=peek(((z+31)+o)) i5=peek(((z+32)+o)) poke 911,13:poke 912,0:sys 49269:print"interior crew quality:" printi1;"/";i2;"/";i3;"/";i4;"/";i5 print"topside crew capacity:";:h0=(27-(oc<10)):gosub 017f:printoc print"topside crew quality:":printo1;"/";o2;"/";o3;"/";o4;"/";o5 1c34 gosub 023d:poke 912,0:poke 911,19:sys 49269:poke 199,1:printss$(ss);tf$(tf);:poke 199,0 print"x to exit " print"< or > to change vehicle, g for group" print"status, + or - to change mode, a-e to" print"change crew, t or i to change location," print"or 1 or 2 to change weapon type."; gosub 254f if ((x$="<")or(x$=",")) then 1e34 if ((x$=">")or(x$=".")) then 1e46 if (x$="g") then 1e64 if (((x$="+")or(x$="-"))or(x$="=")) then 1e67 if (x$="a") then ix=0 on (tf+1) goto 1fa9, 206d if ((x$="i")or(x$="t")) then 1e72 if (x$="b") then ix=1 : on (tf+1) goto 1fa9, 206d if (x$="c") then ix=2 : on (tf+1) goto 1fa9, 206d if (x$="d") then ix=3 : on (tf+1) goto 1fa9, 206d if (x$="e") then ix=4 : on (tf+1) goto 1fa9, 206d if (x$="1") then 1e7d if ((x$="2")and(peek(((z3+(50*(i-1)))+20))<>1)) then 1f22 if (x$="x") then 2244 goto 1803 1e34 ij=(ij-1):if (ij<1) then ij=1 goto 17ff 1e46 ij=(ij+1):if (ij>peek((z2+20))) then ij=peek((z2+20)) goto 17ff 1e64 goto 1545 1e67 ss=(1-ss):goto 1c34 1e72 tf=(1-tf):goto 1c34 1e7d gosub 0339:on cf goto 1803:vn=i:gosub 02ed:mm=int(((tc/2)+.5)):if (peek(((z3+(50*(i-1)))+20))=1) then mm=tc f1=(f1+1):if (f1>2) then f1=1 if (f1=1) then ga=(ga-mm) : ag=(ag+mm) : goto 1f14 if ((f1=2)and(ag=0)) then 1803 if ((f1=2)and(mm>ag)) then f1=(f1-1) : goto 1803 ga=(ga+mm):ag=(ag-mm) 1f14 poke ((z+12)+o),f1:goto 19d3 1f22 gosub 0339:on cf goto 1803:vn=i:gosub 02ed:mm=int((tc/2)) f2=(f2+1):if (f2>2) then f2=1 if (f2=1) then ga=(ga-mm) : ag=(ag+mm) : goto 1f9b if ((f2=2)and(ag=0)) then 1803 if ((f2=2)and(mm>ag)) then f2=(f2-1) : goto 1803 ga=(ga+mm):ag=(ag-mm) 1f9b poke ((z+13)+o),f2:goto 19d3 1fa9 if (ss=0) then in=1 if (ss=1) then in=65535 tt=((((i1+i2)+i3)+i4)+i5) if ((ss=0)and(k(ix)=0)) then 1803:if ((ss=0)and(tt=ic)) then 1803 a=(((z+28)+ix)+o) b=peek(a):if ((b=0)and(ss=1)) then 1803 gosub 03ac b=(b+in):poke a,b if (ss=1) then 2052 a(ix)=(a(ix)+1) k(ix)=(k(ix)-1):goto 1b40 2052 a(ix)=(a(ix)-1) k(ix)=(k(ix)+1):goto 19d3 206d if (ss=0) then in=1 if (ss=1) then in=65535 tt=((((o1+o2)+o3)+o4)+o5) if ((ss=0)and(k(ix)=0)) then 1803 if ((ss=0)and(tt=oc)) then 1803 a=(((z+34)+ix)+o) b=peek(a):if ((b=0)and(ss=1)) then 1803 gosub 03ac b=(b+in):poke a,b if (ss=1) then 2116 a(ix)=(a(ix)+1) k(ix)=(k(ix)-1):goto 1afe 2116 a(ix)=(a(ix)-1) k(ix)=(k(ix)+1):goto 19d3 mm=0 for ii=0 to 3 mt=peek((((z7+34)+ii)+(52*peek((z3+(50*(i-1))))))) mm=((mm*(-(mm>mt)))+(mt*(-(mt>=mm)))) next return 2174 d=fn p((z2+22)):t=fn p((z2+24)):l=fn p((z2+26)):a=fn p((z2+28)):g=fn p((z2+30)) m=fn p((z2+47)) gosub 0217:l=(l-(2*fu)):l=(l*(-(l>0))) tc=((((d+t)+l)+g)+m) return 21e6 c=0:pi=0:n=peek((z2+20)):for i=1 to n:o=(50*(i-1)):ci=peek(((z3+1)+o)) pi=(((pi+peek(((z3+27)+o)))+peek(((z3+33)+o)))+1) c=(c+int(((ci**2)*5))):next return 2244 for i=0 to (peek((z2+20))-1) tt=0 for j=0 to 4 tt=(tt+peek((((z3+(50*i))+j)+28))) next if (tt=0) then print"{clr}" : print"you must have interior crew in every" : print"vehicle" if (tt=0) then i=peek((z2+20)) : next : gosub 254f : goto 17ff next t3=0:for i=0 to 4:t3=(t3+k(i)):next if (t3>0) then print"{clr}" : print"you have left some crew behind"; : gosub 254f : print print"{clr}":print:print"do you want to end deployment?";:gosub 254f:x$=i$:print if ((x$<>"y")and(x$<>"n")) then 2244 if (x$="n") then 1545 goto 0b98 2372 for r=1 to peek((z2+20)):zt=z3 t=((zt+(50*(r-1)))+22):m=((zt+(50*(r-1)))+4):s=((zt+(50*(r-1)))+45) if (peek((t-1))=0) then ns=peek(s) : nm=peek(m) : goto 242e nm=int(((peek(m)*peek(t))/peek((t-1)))):if ((nm=0)and(peek(t)<>0)) then nm=1 ns=int(((peek(s)*peek(t))/peek((t-1)))):if ((ns=0)and(peek(t)<>0)) then ns=1 242e poke (m+1),nm poke (s+1),ns next return 2442 x=peek((z2+33)):y=peek((z2+34)) for i=0 to 9 xx=peek((zu+(2*i))):yy=peek(((zu+1)+(2*i))):mm=peek(((zu+20)+i)):rr=peek(((zu+30)+i)) if (peek((z2+32))<>mm) then 24e1 if ((((x<(xx-rr))or(x>(xx+rr)))or(y<(yy-rr)))or(y>(yy+rr))) then 24e1 gg=i:i=9 24e1 next:if (fn r(100)<34) then gg=255 if ((peek(33218)=1)and(fn r(100)<20)) then gg=10 : goto 2528 if ((peek(37853)>2)and(fn r(100)<10)) then gg=10 2528 if (gg=255) then 278a on gg goto 2798, 27a3, 278a, 27bc, 27d5, 278a, 278a, 278a, 278a, 254c 254c goto 278d 254f poke 198,0 2553 q1=rnd(1):if (peek(198)=0) then 2553 ky=peek(631):poke 198,0 gosub 2582:i$=chr$(ky):x$=i$:return 2582 poke 145,255:poke 199,0:poke 203,1:poke 243,192:poke 244,219 poke 646,1:poke 647,6:poke 653,0:poke 631,0:poke 198,0:return inputi$:gosub 2582:return 25bb sys 49236:q1=int((fi/256)):poke 910,15:poke 911,8:poke 912,0:sys 49257 l=len(n$):for l1=1 to l:poke (38239+l1),asc(mid$(n$,l1,1)):next l1 poke 910,l:poke 911,96:poke 912,149:sys 4926 poke 910,0:poke 911,(fi-(q1*256)):poke 912,q1:sys 49263:return 264e en=0:gosub 2724 if (en=0) then 26c2 print"{clr}":print:print" disk error. make sure game disk is in" print"the drive and press any key to continue":gosub 254f:goto 264e 26c2 poke 646,0:sys 49236:print"{clr}load "chr$(34)n$chr$(34)",8" poke 198,8:poke 631,19:poke 632,13:poke 633,32:poke 634,32:poke 635,82 poke 636,85:poke 637,78:poke 638,13 clr rem ** ee new 2724 en=0:open15,8,15,"i0" input#15,en,em$,et,es if (en<>0) then close15 : return en=0:open3,8,0,"0:"+n$+",p,r" input#15,en,em$,et,es close3:close15:return 278a goto 0ba6 278d pc=(pc*2):goto 278a 2798 pc=(pc/2):goto 278a 27a3 pc=int(((pc*1.5)+.5)):goto 278a 27bc pc=int(((pc/1.5)+.5)):goto 278a 27d5 pc=int((pc/2.5)):goto 278a 27e7 on gg goto 2824, 2824, 2824, 2808, 2824, 2824, 2824, 2824, 2824, 2842 b(1)=n:goto 283f 2808 b(1)=int((n/2)):b(2)=int(((n/2)+.5)):goto 283f 2824 b(1)=int((n/4)):b(2)=b(1):b(3)=b(1):b(4)=b(1) 283f goto 0ca5 2842 b(1)=int((n/3)):b(2)=b(1):b(3)=b(1) goto 283f 285a on gg goto 2885, 2899, 28ab, 28b3, 28c7, 28cf, 28f5, 2919, 2919, 2919 v=0:if (j<51) then v=1 goto 291c 2885 v=17:if (j<51) then v=18 goto 291c 2899 v=6:if (j<51) then v=7 goto 291c 28ab v=9:goto 291c 28b3 v=15:if (j<51) then v=16 goto 291c 28c7 v=14:goto 291c 28cf if (j<=33) then v=11 : goto 291c if (j<=66) then v=12 : goto 291c v=13:goto 291c 28f5 if (j<=33) then v=2 : goto 291c if (j<=66) then v=3 : goto 291c v=10:goto 291c 2919 goto 0d03 291c goto 0dfc 291f on gg goto 2a1f, 2950, 2950, 29ba, 2a1f, 2a1f, 2a1f, 29fa, 2950, 29d2 for ii=0 to 4 poke ((a1+14)+ii),1:next goto 2a1f 2950 if (peek((a1+4))<>4) then poke (a1+4),(peek((a1+4))+1) : poke (a1+5),peek((a1+4)) poke (a1+45),(peek((a1+45))+1):poke (a1+46),(peek((a1+46))+1) poke (a1+7),(peek((a1+7))+1):poke (a1+6),(peek((a1+6))+1) goto 2a1f 29ba for ii=0 to 4 poke ((a1+14)+ii),2:next goto 2a1f 29d2 for ii=0 to 4 if (peek(((a1+14)+ii))<>5) then poke ((a1+14)+ii),4 next goto 2a1f 29fa for ii=0 to 4 poke ((a1+14)+ii),(peek(((a1+14)+ii))+1):next goto 2a1f 2a1f goto 10c5 open15,8,15,"scratch":print#15,"s0:deploy":close15:save"deploy",8 rem ** ee end